Hey all!
I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth, I just haven't done any new Biscuits in a while. I am still trying to get to grips with using GIMP image editor and drawing tablet for tracing over the scanned images.
I gotta tell ya, as a complete amateur in EVERYTHING, it ain't easy :P
But I'll persevere, I enjoy having this blog site for posting my strips and I love how visits this site has had since March. Including Alex Woolfson! :D
*fanboy squeal*
For the time being I'll leave you with this #Beardie selfie.
I am growing out my goatee so I can plait it and put a ring. Initially, I was going for the Jack Sparrow look, but I opted for the pseudo-Viking look. The ring is actually called a Viking styled beard ring :D
Yeah? Well even if you don't like it, tough tits :P