Important Biscuits

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

72. Wall of Hair, So Much Hair

Yeah...that's the reason why my character doesn't actually look like me. Too much hair.

Monday, 26 October 2015

71. The Reality of Being Nutty as a Fruitcake

For all you guys who know me, or follow this blog know that I have depression, diagnosed back in 2010. With any chronic illness every so often, about 3-4 times a year I experience bouts of it which normally I can cope with and gradually bring myself out of it. Sometimes it's brought on due to circumstances and sometimes it's just my mind deciding to take a trip to the Capital Wasteland; full of dark, crazy shit. This time however, it has come on strong. Strong enough that I am not coping well and I feel so shit that I burst into tears. In the midst of the mini saga Journey to the Centre of the Beard, I took out my sketch pad and drew this.

The proverbial "they" sometimes say draw/write what you know. Doing this blog, Flying Biscuits, is cathartic for me and I draw pictures depicting how I feel at the time. This has and will continue to be included in my blog because it is my reality and is something I deal with everyday of my life. Aside from the geeky delights I like to dabble in.

I am not asking for sympathy, I am not trawling for compliments. I am just showing how I feel. Although I would, however, ask of you to learn about mental illness. Don't dismiss it, don't undermine its significance, don't take it with a pinch of salt. For many people it is a very real and sometimes very dangerous disease. You may have it, people you know and love may have it, your favourite celebrity, writer, comedian, musician, artist may all have it.

Empathy is key, humans. Key towards becoming a better person.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

70. Journey to the Centre of the Beard - The Beginning

Another friend of mine wanted to be included, so introducing Sowerby! :)

I also included Dave and Seaweed in this, because, you know, beards. FYI, Dave is not humping me, he is nuzzling my head. He is a great deal taller than me and sometimes hugs me from behind :3

This is a four-part epic! Journey into the beard and see what you can discover!...

...that sounded a lot better in my head.

Just please enjoy it :P

Although, what IS at the centre of a beard? I don't actually know :3

Sunday, 18 October 2015

69. Do Goths Even Exist Anymore?


Seaweed (aka CthulDude) and his stories :) If you're on Twitter, and more importantly if you're an avid beard grower, follow him! Also if any of you go by Ka-Pow Comics let me know what it's like.

Sorry for the long wait once again, I've finished my Masters degree last month only to be met with continuous unemployment which doesn't seem to be letting up. "Economy is improving" my big, fat, hairy, smelly arse. THE CAKE IS A LIE!

But I keep on.

Hope you guys are all well!