There you have it, yours truly is in fact pansexual rather than bisexual. I know it's not going to affect me much, but it's nice to have found an identity that I truly feel it's right for me.
Thank you, Justin :)
Also, I hope you don't mind that I included Feltzilla in this, it was too cute to pass up :3
Definitions of sexuality vary from person to person, what I have demonstrated here is just simply a conversation I had with a friend, because I personally felt that 'bisexual' didn't quite fully encapsulate my sexual identity. It is different for everyone, and I also understand that some bisexuals might feel offended by what I have written here. Some bisexuals might feel that they themselves are not limited by gender or that I am undermining their orientation by what I have written.
It is not my intent to do so, neither is it my intent to suggest that bi is a pathway to pan. Having said that I also do not want to suggest that you also have to be pan to be in a relationship or pursue someone who is not cis-gendered. Gender and sexuality are a massive and complex concepts, and I am doing the best I can to understand with the help of some pretty awesome people :)
I am open to discussions, but remember this, be happy with who you are and your own expressions of gender and sexuality. There's a whole lot of us on this planet :)
Take care,