Important Biscuits

Friday, 27 May 2016

85. Even Above Average Height is Still Considered Short...for Men, I Think

It started out as me complaining about feeling short, despite being above average in height, into just drawing out the weird shit friends say to each other. As much as I love Dave, I am not sure that I would turn him into a coat ;)

I still feel short, however :P

Sunday, 22 May 2016

84. It's Good to be Courteous

Yes, Feltzilla is, in fact, floating. He has that power.

Following yesterday's post, I thought something more light-hearted would be more fitting. So here is Doom-Ghost and Llamamuerte offering a welcome gift to Feltzilla.

Feltzilla is property of Justin Hubble. Go check out their work herehereand here :)

Saturday, 21 May 2016

83. Honest Conversation: A Rope of Sand

There you have it, yours truly is in fact pansexual rather than bisexual. I know it's not going to affect me much, but it's nice to have found an identity that I truly feel it's right for me.

Thank you, Justin :)

Also, I hope you don't mind that I included Feltzilla in this, it was too cute to pass up :3

Definitions of sexuality vary from person to person, what I have demonstrated here is just simply a conversation I had with a friend, because I personally felt that 'bisexual' didn't quite fully encapsulate my sexual identity. It is different for everyone, and I also understand that some bisexuals might feel offended by what I have written here. Some bisexuals might feel that they themselves are not limited by gender or that I am undermining their orientation by what I have written.

It is not my intent to do so, neither is it my intent to suggest that bi is a pathway to pan. Having said that I also do not want to suggest that you also have to be pan to be in a relationship or pursue someone who is not cis-gendered. Gender and sexuality are a massive and complex concepts, and I am doing the best I can to understand with the help of some pretty awesome people :)

I am open to discussions, but remember this, be happy with who you are and your own expressions of gender and sexuality. There's a whole lot of us on this planet :)

Take care,


Sunday, 1 May 2016

82. This is Why You READ the Script

A Facebook conversation that got a little out of hand. It only started as a reference to Firefly and the fact that my knee was betraying me :P

Also, Seaweed does in fact have a dragon eye tattoo in his armpit. Don't ask me how I know that O.O