Important Biscuits

Sunday, 19 November 2017

102. I Don't Think Zombies Are Ready For My Brain-Jelly


Recently, I have been feeling quite down, and this last week my mental then decided to fully betray me. My friends and family have been rallying behind me, Seaweed in particular has been messaging me weird conversations that are making me chuckle and feel a little better. 

Depression demon does not like this, good vibes and strong friendships burns them. Burns them bad.

Also, I don't think zombie would be able to stomach my brains ;)

Love you guys. Mwah.

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Sunday, 20 August 2017

100. Scary, Scary Fishcakes


I am startled very easily. Loud noise, nope. Not for me thanks.

When my bro-in-law, Pete, was a teenager he used to creep up behind a me and yell "fishcake" in his loud, deep, bellowing voice. 

Always succeeded. He always did ¬_¬


Saturday, 24 June 2017

99. That's a Nice Way to Go, Surely?

This conversation actually happened. Then, Kuro deliberately hugged me close to their boobs in an "effort" to smother me.

They can't handle it when I'm the sassy one :P

Friday, 23 June 2017

98. (Hastag) YOLO

Of course you like octopi, why wouldn't you? Seaweed and Justin certainly do :)

Plus, this is a much better version of this annoying acronym :P


Monday, 12 June 2017

97. The Demonic Voices Are Real

In other news, Kuro and I have finally booked the venue and registry for the wedding. I'm going to be a husband, bitchez!!

Sunday, 21 May 2017

96. Pan-Draggie

When I came out, I coined the term "pan-dragon"; I was also inspired by this lovely meme.

Pansexual Dragon? Pan-dragon? Get it?

Nevermind :P

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Thursday, 2 February 2017

94. Shit My Kuro Says


This is a real conversation I had with my fiancee while we were snuggling.


Friday, 20 January 2017

93. Weird Doesn't Even Cut It

I went for a chibi style cartoon today. It has been a bit of  crap week, so I decided to make a funny and poke fun at the fact that I do weird things when I'm annoyed to distract myself.

Also, you can tell I have been reading a lot of My Life As A Background Slytherin lately :3

Monday, 16 January 2017

Friday, 6 January 2017

91. Yay For Uncomfortable Truths!

I read this article from The Independent and it made me laugh so much. Mainly because I know some people would not want to admit that these simple scenarios exist. The third one was my favourite hence this post XD

Also, Seaweed would actually enjoy the article :P